Have engine oil and oil filter changed
Unless you recently got your engine oil replaced, your car servicing session should probably include an oil change. You want to ensure that your workshop does this for you, and decide what kind and grade of oil you want. Synthetic oils tend to require less frequent changes. Your workshop should also change your oil filter at the same time.
Check if spark plugs need to be replaced
Your spark plugs have a limited lifespan, and you should check if it’s time to replace them based on the mileage clocked, quality of spark plugs used and condition of your car. If you’ve been experiencing engine trouble like frequent stalling, it might be time for a spark plug replacement.
Check your lights
Before driving your car home from the workshop, check that all your lights—rear lights, backlights, signal lights, interior lights and so on—are in good working order. Workshops sometimes forget to check the lights before returning your car, and you don’t want to have to make an unnecessary trip back.
Inspect your brakes
Don’t assume your mechanic has checked your brakes and replaced your brake pads if they’re worn out. Inspect your brakes before your appointment, and if you suspect they’re worn out, remind your mechanic to replace the pads. Before leaving the workshop, test the new brake pads to ensure they’ve been properly fitted. You might also need to have your brake fluid changed from time to time.
Check your tires
Another component you might have to replace is your tires. Check your tire tread and get your mechanic to rotate them so they will wear out more evenly. You might also want to check if your wheels need to be re-aligned. And of course, if your tires have reached a certain degree of wear, they will need to be replaced.
Check and replace the timing belt
A broken timing belt can be disastrous for your engine, so ensure your mechanic inspects your timing belt and refers to your previous servicing records to determine if it’s time to replace yours.
Auto transmission and/or power steering fluid
Your car’s gears and steering wheel need to be lubricated by various fluids. These have to be changed from time to time, but not necessarily every year. Check if your car is having trouble changing or maintaining gears, or if your steering wheel is more difficult to turn than before. In either of these scenarios, you probably need to change fluids.
Windscreen wipers and wiper fluid
If your windscreen wipers have been less than efficient, you might have to get them replaced. Your windscreen wiper fluid will also need to be topped up from time to time.
Change air filter
Your air filter needs to be changed occasionally to ensure your engine is fed with clean air. You should probably get your air filter changed every one to two car servicing sessions depending on how hard you work your car.
Buy Car insurance
Other than ensuring your car is serviced regularly, don’t forget to protect it with a good car insurance policy. Car Protect360 from HL Assurance comes with a free car servicing or inspection. Terms apply.
By Joanne Poh
Disclaimer: All info contained herein is intended for your general information only and is not a substitute for insurance advice. If you have a specific question, please consult our insurance experts at 6702 0202.